Museum Store REfund Policy
If you have the original itemized receipt for an item you wish to return, you can return it for a full refund.* Refunds can only be given in the form in which the original tender was received. For example: if you paid by credit card, the refund must be given on a credit card.
*Items being refunded must be in like-new condition. Damaged or worn items will not be accepted for return. Guests have 90 days from the original purchase date to return an item. All refunds will be considered at the sole discretion of management.
The museum does not accept return without the original itemized receipt.
Guests with any questions or concerns regarding refunds should contact the museum manager at: 814-362-7991.
*Items being refunded must be in like-new condition. Damaged or worn items will not be accepted for return. Guests have 90 days from the original purchase date to return an item. All refunds will be considered at the sole discretion of management.
The museum does not accept return without the original itemized receipt.
Guests with any questions or concerns regarding refunds should contact the museum manager at: 814-362-7991.